Monday, October 22, 2012

Got confirmation?

When you pursue God and let him work in your life, you never know how he is going to bless your life. I had a chance meeting with someone I have not seen in 12 years. Turns out she moved into the city and we go to the same church, I just did not know what had become of her until yesterday. 

She is younger than me, I remember being on my way to college while she was still in elementary school. All these years later, we are like peers. I invited her for lunch and it is as if I had known her all my life- I have in essence, just never had a conversation with her. She spoke of her faith with such conviction and openness and brought such affirmation in my life.

I’ve been going through a tough time relationally and surrendering to God has been one of the hardest things I do, continually yielding to his will and prodding. Sometimes when I speak to people who are not concerned about the will of God, they affirm my humanity and make me feel like I’m overspiritualizing my life. Yet I know that God speaks in our life and nudges us, but  when I say, I don’t believe that God is leading me in a certain direction, it sounds crazy in this day and age. When speaking to this young woman, she spoke of repentance and yielding to God for her life and relationship.  I knew God was doing something there…yes he was saying: listen to my servant that I have sent to encourage you. Do not be disappointed by the state of affairs or follow in the leading of people who are not pursuing my will, be steadfast my child, I ‘m working in your life and in due time will reveal my plan for your life. 

Confirmation. Thank you Jesus!

"For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God" (Rom. 8:14).

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Comfortable, ugh!

Life is such an oxymoron, we want to be comfortable but when we get there, we better watch out, it just might be that we are not progressing much. Let me explain. I will start with the minute. For the past one year I have been parking in an open lot at work. It’s about two and a half blocks from the office so not a big deal. Prior to my moving to the open lot, I parked 6 blocks away and I was on a waiting list for a parking garage that is literally a block from the office. Keeping in mind that these are wide city blocks, there are pros and cons to these parking arrangements. I always thought it would be great to get my blood moving in the morning, however, living in the Midwest makes the six blocks my winter nightmare.  Once it took me 20 horrid minutes because of ice, wind, snow.  That winter was relentless and I ended up having to go crazy and ask the powers that be that I must park closer, hands were twisted and I magically got a closer spot, not the garage I wanted but hey, it was good enough.

This summer, enough people retired at my job to open a spot up at the parking garage. Now you would think I would jump at this opportunity. See I was used to “my spot” on the open lot. I could go in and out without making useless rounds up and down a building. On the down side, cleaning buckets of snow off my car after work is not the thing I would rather do. It’s just plain annoying the tropical girl in me is not cut out for such fun. Parking garages on the other hand, having watched too many Criminal shows, seem to be an offender’s playpen.  I would have to take the elevator or Lord forbid the dingy stairs, walk around this interestingly lit building to find my car. The funny thing, the floors are almost always empty of people, it’s always one other person walking to their car and you. Or is it one crazy person waiting to pounce on you in the shadows of the garage? So I was scaring myself over having to move into the garage space. Unfounded fears.

When I really thought about it, I just did not want change. It seems minute but I was against change from the routine.. The most rational thing would be for me to park closer and park in an enclosed structure because after all we have winter for close to half the year. Something so minute, yet significant enough to make excuses for. Made me wonder what other things I rationalize keeping the same, not taking the available opportunities that happen. Sometimes in life we feel like if we work hard enough, do enough, sacrifice enough, we will get to a place of total bliss and comfort.  Hmm, it may be somewhat true of financial gains but if we go deeper, we are always growing as people and life constantly challenges us. We cannot be stagnant, we always have to be willing to change, be teachable, learn something that will propel us to another level physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Spiritually, this has been eye opening for me. I thought once I became a Christian, it was like arriving to a destination but I have learnt that it is a journey of becoming. Growing, shedding and becoming the person God meant me to be. For a long time, I was spiritually parked in an open parking lot. Refusing to change, but the elements beat me up since I was so comfortable, comfortable with unpleasant snow cleanings and an iced car, when I could be elevated to a dry garage closer to work. In examining my life, I needed to shed some things, do things differently move to a different spot, open up to new people in my life. When I opened myself up to these possibilities, I found freedom waiting on the other side. When I’m true to the faith, I am liberated. When I tap into truth, I find grace. Though this process, I am finally beginning to understand how God manifests his love and grace and how it applies in my life. As Christian, the only comfort you should have is knowing that you are completely dependent on God. So if you are comfortable, examine yourself, it may just be that you are missing out on opportunities for growth.

A man grows most tired while standing still. - Chinese Proverb

To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often. - Winston Churchill

Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.