Wednesday, November 26, 2008
the holidays are not scary this year...
Friday, November 14, 2008
Who am I?
I'm the oldest of four.
I wanted to be a doctor and got good grades to get there.
I then realized it was more my parent's dream.
My dream is to make a difference in people's health.
I'm yet to start my degree to accomplish that.
It will take two years.
I love my job now.
I have been married.
I am divorced.
I survived domestic abuse.
I am a mom.
I love it.
I hate that I'm so far from my family.
I don't like the cold.
I love being with people.
I like to dance.
I am a Christian.
I surrender to no one but God.
I have a strong dislike for people who use Christianity/Religion for selfish reasons;political, ethical etc.
I can't stand phony people.
I supported Obama.
I believe in love.
I fight for justice.
I wish we would all just get along.
I have more questions sometimes than I do answers.
I love spending time with friends.
I like cooking.
I am an organic food freak.
I spend too much on food.
I would like to exercise more.
I want to run a marathon.
I would like to read more.
I like fashion.
I don't believe in spending a lot of money to look good.
I am a minimalist.
I would like to be a designer.
I would like to be a DJ
I love music.
I am shy.
I am bold.
I live.
I laugh.
I dream.
I believe.
I conquer.
I am set free above all and that is enough.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
You've got to pray............
I have a new job, quiting my old one after only a year because I was miserable. I believe you can work and be happy so despite the grim economy, my God provided.
I'm truly blessed. I'm happy. I'm surrounded by many wonderful friends who constantly remind me that there is more to life. I get sad though, more than ever nowadays because I miss my family. There have been many days this year when all I have wanted is to just sit and talk to my mom or get a hug from her, hang out with my siblings and enjoy being grown up and watch my dad playing with my son...all that priceless. I think I have to put prayer if full gear because by faith I'm going home for Christmas! Yes, I'm affirming it because I know my God is able.
My prayer now is to be a good mom, find some balance as my son goes through Kindergarten, some patience because God knows they can kill you with all that homework they give. Giving advice to a 5 year old is like talking to a brick wall because they seriously think they are grown up and can figure it
Thank you Lord, I made it.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Do not ever doubt what God can do in your life. Trust him fully and you will experience that he is all you need. I'm still in awe of how God came through for me. I start a new job and essentially a new life. I'm taking 2.5 weeks of vacation, I figured I should, I haven't taken vacay in three years because I always cashed it out. The Bible is not playing when it states that if we pray and call unto God, he will answer our prayers. Pray, ask other people to pray for you, I believe that the prayers of my parents and other people have probably taken me further than my own because I was so distressed, inconsistent and sometimes not believing, but God hears them all. He has answered my prayers yet again!
Saturday, April 5, 2008
the times of my life
Sometimes I wonder if my life will ever be different or will forever be haunted by my past, if I will ever be independent of the decisions that I made when I was naïve and didn’t know better, If one day I can sit and not think of the why. Will it just ever be a move forward, a new chapter, the old one forgotten and insignificant?
Sometimes I cry thinking of the hardships I have had to endure the past few years. They cut to the essence of my being, completely tore me apart, left me vulnerable, rock bottom.
Sometimes I imagine how things would have been different. If I would have made it big, If I would be living elsewhere, if I would have gone back home, if I would be happy?
Most times nowadays I’m amazed at how far I have come, how much I have grown, how many people have been by side, how God can do amazing things.
Most times I hate to imagine that I would be living elsewhere, not knowing the people I know now, not knowing the love that surrounds me, not being the confident woman I am.
At all times, I am thankful for the lessons learned, the friendships formed, the knowledge and experience of being downright hopeless and gaining courage to rise to a better day.
Monday, February 11, 2008
The devil is real y'all
I started this blog because it reminded me that I'm free to be the person I am and not whom this person who abused me wanted to be. It lets me document how I feel and let steam out in a positive manner. It lets me tell my story so that some other person who may be in the same situation does not feel like they are alone and give hope that things can really change.
I really don't care if my ex ever finds this blog, I would present it to him if I thought it would be helpful to read all the unbelievable stuff he has put us through. He will deny this of course because in some twisted way, he doesn’t see things the same way, in fact he feels like I owe him an apology and a whole lot more.
These past 2 weekends I revived all those bitter memories of control and abuse. I have come a long way because it’s Monday and even though I may feel afraid, I don't feel powerless.
The story is so petty that even when I share it, I try not to demonize this person because he is the father of my son yet the actions and words just speak for themselves.
The story: I am attempting to fix a huge dent in my car left by an accident almost 2 years ago right after my separation. I could not afford the deductible and since my car was driving fine, this was the last thing on list. I am finally able to put this on my list and get this done. I had the insurance company write the check, I got the fabulous rental car and then some part of hell broke loose.
My ex called me bright and early demanding to know why he was not informed that I was fixing my car, in a check written out in his name. Now, he was the insured, I was the driver and now sole owner of the car. The check written out to the body shop, myself and the ex.
Apparently he had called the insurance company and ‘talked’ to the agent handling my case, called the body shop and gave an earful to the owner claiming he would sue him for fraud if he cashed the check.
My ex gave me an earful and I decided to listen and even apologize(this was low). He agreed to sign the check after he had prayed about this ‘issue’ numerous times and even presented it to his bible study group. Makes me wonder if there is some cult business going on somewhere….
After a whole lot of stuff that I didn’t need to hear, he agreed to sign the check, I took it to his house. He met me outside with a bible in hand. He opened the car door and sat next to me in the passenger seat. I would have preferred another arrangement like sign the check through the window and a goodbye. He read some bible verses, one being not repaying evil with evil. According to him, I went behind his back on this ‘issue’, got the check issued and now was using him to help myself. God!!!!!!! He eventually signed the check, but he made the conclusion that I was not ‘getting it’. By this point, I’m pretty sure my blood pressure was dangerously high because I fear this him even though I try to act cool. So when he made the sudden move to reach for his phone, I grabbed my phone and jumped out of the car. This was just his breaking point. He went crazy claiming I was using him and that I just wanted to call the cops and was acting scared just to put him in trouble. He called his prayer partner…yes, true it is and explained how I was using him. I was not getting how I had deceived him so he took he check back claiming he wanted to sign the date on it…why?? Well, only in my weirdest imagination would I have thought that he was going to cross his name out, throw the check back at me and walk away. Yes, he crossed his name out, threw the check at me and walked away. Disbelief, anger, regret, fear, all the emotions I felt in this moment.. Only my faith in God rescued me from sinking deep into an abyss of despair.That man was walking back to take care of my son. I sped out of there shaken and in a complete vaccum.
The smirk on his face was like staring at the devil. I've been here before. It doesn’t make it any easier to deal with. So to summarize this bizarre incident, the ex has gone completely out of his way to make sure I don’t get my car fixed, he doesn’t benefit in the least type of way and neither do I except my car will look and function better but is still willing to harass a number of people and use the bible to 'teach' me a lesson. So in his perfect world, I should have called him when I decided to fix my car, inform him of all my plans, invite him to dinner and ask him politely to sign the check. hmmph. I cannot believe I am spending this amount of time on some BS like this. I will update as I have the strength.
Friday, January 4, 2008
Sad Sad Sad
I just don't know anymore.