Friday, October 1, 2010

one nice room

I just finished week 2 of my new job and I can’t complain. It’s a bit slow because I have to learn how everything works but I’m sure that it won’t stay like this, at least I have been warned. Today I visited my old office while at lunch. You may ask “Why” multiple times considering the circumstances of my departure, but there are valid reasons. For one, the only thing separating me from my old boss is a block walk and an elevator ride up to the 7th floor! Luckily they are so busy on the days she is there that chances of ever running into her are pretty much nil. Back to my valid reasons for going back to the office-I left my precious sweater hanging on the hook behind the door so I called in one of my co-workers on the day the big boss was not there. I immediately felt sorry for my co-workers when I got in because I could see piles of work which will take them forever to complete mostly because there hasn't been a replacement for the two of us who left. Almost immediately, my pity turned into a big sigh of relief and a happy dance that I didn’t have to deal with this workload and the fact that they hadn’t mutilated my sweater.

All in all, I’ve realized that one of the only things I miss most from my old job was the ladies' room. It is spacious with a nice coat of paint, bright and airy. There is a counter with all sought of goodies like tampons, pens; samples of Metamucil (don’t ask me why). I suppose you might be on your period, constipated and needing to write something while you are in there?? I don’t think the Metamucil works that fast but as I was saying, you don’t know a bad bathroom until you have been in one and vice versa! I can tell you our current bathroom should fail the code of bathroom appearance. Don’t get me wrong, it’s clean and smells fresh, but the first thing you see when you open the door is a wall, squeeze past the drier to the only two stalls painted black. The lighting so off such that you cannot really see your true state of appearance. You may start to feel color-blind while looking in the mirror. Forget about putting on make-up in there because in real life you may come out looking like a clown. You can’t have two people at the sink at once, the paper dispenser does not work but luckily there is a hand drier-those things are so loud and irritating! While you are using the drier on your way out, you would be blocking someone from coming in.
The worst of it all is that you need a key to get into the bathroom!! For the fact that this bathroom is locked, you would think it has a plush lounge or something fancy to prevent people from wanting to spend all day in it. Luckily, the employees get their own key so they don’t have to ask for it at the front desk like the guests do. I don’t look forward to going in here unless I have to and it always happens that I need to go when I’m out and about but my keys are in the office! It would make more sense if there was a code key type of entrance but nope, that would make too much sense for a government office. Yes, now it all makes sense-I work for the state and we can’t waste tax-payers money to beautify the bathroom. Who ever said the state wastes money was wrong! The bathrooms are practical nothing fancy schmancy here. I have fond memories of the old bathroom, but like the serenity prayer goes, I have accepted that I cannot change this bathroom, after all there are many things I like about this place, but that’s yet to be written.