The spiritual transition has been hard to write on and I
have had to stop, contemplate and start
again. In the last couple of years I have been ‘feeling’ that something wasn’t right. The comfort of
life just wasn’t so appealing anymore even when ‘all things’ were going right.
Roughly five years ago I was in a tight spot, my life was a mess, I was
starting my life over and I had no one to hang onto but Jesus. I remember
crying out to him and making promises and thinking how much I wanted to be
obedient to him. God restored me, he restored my hope and vision for a bright
future. Well apparently human beings suffer from great amnesia when it comes to
what God has done for us and I’m no exception. Life got comfortable. The more
comfortable I got, the less reliant on God I became. Peace out God.
Prayers and bible reading more or less happened in church
and when I felt guilty at home-which wasn’t that often. I was a good person,
obeying most of the laws. If I had been reading my bible, I would know
that Jesus rebuked the Pharisees for keeping the laws and not understanding
truth. There is nothing wrong with being comfortable, but as Christians,
stagnation can signal a much deeper problem.
True relationship with Jesus calls us to mature and keep
growing, abounding in love, active in our faith, being filled with the spirit (Phillipians
1:9, Philemon1:6, Col 1:9 etc).
I wasn’t doing much growing. Slowly my spiritual cistern was draining and I was struggling to keep up with everything. People in church seem almost too perfect with no (spiritual) problems and certainly from the outside it didn’t seem like I should have any issues. Just like a car in neutral gear, I trudged along. My friend wikipedia states that the neutral gear "disengages all gear trains within the transmission,
effectively disconnecting the transmission from the driven roadwheels, so the
vehicle is able to move freely under its own weight and gain momentum without
the motive force from the engine." Wow, that perfectly describes me in this situation, disengaging from my very source of strength and allowing my own strength to move me. No wonder I haven't been getting far! It
seemed to work perfectly for a while, but what good is it if a car is disengaged from the engine?
I seriously started(and continue) seeking God and I figured
that a weekly prayer meeting might be the start. It’s amazing that when we seek God
and open ourselves up to him, he hears us.
Jeremiah 29:12 says “Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me,
and I will listen to you”, and continues
in Jeremiah
33:3 “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and
unsearchable things you do not know.” God has been showing me things, things in
me that I need to root out, showing me that I need to be in his presence daily
if I’m to win this spiritual battle. To surrender.(yikes).
Surrendering is the hardest thing to do for this independent
I started this post a week ago and while contemplating my
thoughts, the pastor spoke about the freedom we should experience when we come
to Christ. The Christian walk should be the most burden-free, since Jesus
already paid for our shame and guilt and purchased our freedom. When I come to Jesus, I can be assured that
all my ugliness is lifted.
This is such a relief, because I have been examining myself
and have been so distraught at my humanness, my imperfections; being angry,
judging others, not doing for others, impatience, bitterness, conduct that I
know would shame Jesus for the PRICE he paid for me. I have questioned myself, my faith, my
life-everything. Even with this knowledge, I have not kept the discipline and
have done things I do not want to do; in short, I’m continually frustrated by myself.
Sigh. How could I ever overcome ME and be the godly woman I desire and fulfill
God’s will for my life?
We can all relate to this type of brokenness , we cannot
relate to perfection that is sometimes expected of believers. It is humbling to
know that God used people who were not perfect to fulfill his promises. Noah,
Moses, David, Apostle Paul just to name a few did horrendous things BUT most
importantly, they surrendered their lives to God’s grace. I can attest that sin is strong and
temptations are plenty, BUT our God has always been and continues to be greater. I
heard a preacher on radio state that as Christians we never graduate to the
point where we are above grace. How true! We need God’s grace continuously if
we are to abide in this freedom.
I don’t have to walk around feeling guilty and burdened. I need to seek him and the accept the grace he offers and grow in my experience of him so that I don't take this grace lightly. I’m committed to be in this journey of studying
and understanding the word of God, waiting in expectancy as God shows me “great and
unsearchable things I do not know”.
John 8:32: “If you hold to my teaching, you
are really my disciples. Then
you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”