Tuesday, January 15, 2013

gift of motherhood

Lil man is turning 10 in a couple of days..10. I would like to say “Where did the time go?” which is so cliché, but for real, “Where did the time go?” How can I be a mom to a 10 year old? He has promptly notified me that he will be a tween (I guess pre-teen) and my heart is responding appropriately with muted panic. Last evening I watched him wash his hands and he put three pumps of the hand washing soap. Now, one pump is more than enough, I could understand two…but three pumps of the Trader Joe’s soap?  I asked him why he was using so much, the soap was obviously overflowing from his hand at this point. His answer: he needs three pumps as his hands have recently grown bigger, adding that as of last week he only needed two pumps but he has noticed that he now needs three pumps. LOL. At this point I should pick my battles, right? I mean he is washing his hands,  I may just have to buy soap more often. Maybe this is a metaphor that I should be comfortable with transitions. I have had two buy a brand new wardrobe just in six months because nothing fits anymore. For now, believe it or not, he still fits on my lap, or attempts to, which is funny as he is only 6 inches away from being my height (sigh). This reminds me that he is still my baby and I will treasure it as long as I can.

Lord thank you for this motherhood journey. I have learned so much about myself and about you. Thank you for the gift of a child. Help me raise him to be the person you have designed him to be.