This was the message from today's service and for me a personal conviction. There are many times when I have woken up and just wondered how I was going to face the day. I should be grown up spiritually enough by now to know that God has always taken care of me...after a major panic. When I look back I see how I have been delivered from many crazy and dangerous situations physically, emotionally and mentally.
Now Lord, I'm being convicted to open my eyes and see that you are bigger than my troubles and to stop the panic before it starts. 2 Kings 6:16 when Elisha was confronted with the army coming to arrest him, he said, " Fear not, for those that are with us are more than those that are with them." What a great description of what all of us have as christians, what a comfort! Our heavenly father is always with us. Oh how I pray that God may open my eyes so that I stop reacting to my problems and conflicts but that I respond according to God's word. That I am confident that he is there alongside me. Thank you father for the promise that you will always be with us. Help me to focus on you and not my issues today. You are greater than anything that we encounter on this earth. Give me spiritual insight that I may see what it is you are doing in my life today and that I may show grace and kindness in the midst of my troubles.
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