Friday, May 18, 2012

15 minutes

The other evening  my lil man got his tongue stuck in a water bottle..yep you heard that right, tongue stuck in a water bottle. We were happily winding the night away, he was ready to jump into bed when  he asked for a drink of water. He remembered that he left his water bottle in class so I asked him to grab a water bottle on the counter and get some water. So it turns out, he has this special relationship with this particular water bottle since the last time he used it, I had to yank his tongue out of the spout. He hasn’t used that particular water bottle since then but we didn’t think anything of it this time around. He got his water, I was busy on the phone and the next thing I know someone is wailing and hysterically waiving his arm. First I didn’t think that this was possible but given that he was crying real tears, it couldn’t be a prank. So I got off the phone, and switched into mommy mode with a big S on my chest. I had done this before, thanks to a can of cooking spray. Last time it only took a few sprays and his tongue slipped out. So I said a quick prayer that I had just restocked that cooking spray and I got into action. A few sprays then I asked him to wiggle his tongue out. Nothing. More hysterical crying. By now I was coaching him to breathe since the panicking was not working with whole situation. I was beginning to think ER and even told him to calm down or we would have to get a doctor-bad move-the panicking got worse with him motioning that he did not want them cutting his tongue out….lol.

Next step was to untwist the bottle to separate the top and bottom. Now this cap was on tight and considering I had been spraying oil all over the bottle…let’s say untwisting it was a project unto itself. He even stopped me halfway trying to use sign language and me hysterically guessing …just the thought of this process makes me laugh, it sounds so comical. So after not understanding the tongue-less words, I grabbed a pencil and piece of paper and asked him to write what he was trying to say. “It is going to hurt my tongue…and he drew what I later found out was the tongue with a curved arrow to signify that the twisting was going to hurt him. Good thing I didn’t quite understand, I just told him to calm down, wiped down the bottle and couple minutes later I just had someone’s tongue stuck in a large top. So I sprayed the magic stuff once more on the opposite end and was expecting the tongue to pop right out..nope, this ordeal was not over. How did he manage to stick HALF of his tongue down this thing? So I used my fingers, curling the tongue from the opposite end while pushing it out.  FINALLY. Approximately 15 minutes later. We hugged it out and he cried a good couple minutes-he was so traumatized and frankly speaking so was I!  10 minutes later, I was thinking about it and asked “ that was crazy right?” and he chuckled because looking back that was so crazy you just have to laugh. I told him the story of how my sister/brother (don’t remember which one) had once gotten bean stuck up their nose -one day he will talk about this story and laugh, heck I’m still laughing just thinking about it. The things that kids  boys do!

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