Yesterday I got home to find a sparkling clean kitchen. My fiancé had come in and apparently decided
to go to war with any dirty dish or speck of dirt. I was happy of course, but
it seemed an odd task to take on a random Wednesday, so I asked what the
motivation to clean was.
My fiancé needed to fix his favorite watch as the seams were
coming undone. Being the handy man he is, he decided he was going the super
glue route. He had mentioned that earlier in the day, and with the ease that he
said those words, I thought he had done this super glue thing.
I was at the gym, the super glue was bought, the home depot
version, not the corner store version. He proceeded to fix the seams of his
watch and as he was doing it, some glue ran down his fingers...pause… I correct
that, some SUPER glue ran down his fingers! This is where I OMGed, mouth open…
Instantly two of his fingers had meshed together, his skin
became taut, so much so he could not open his curved hand. He said if felt like
his hand was stiff and immobile. Then began the freak-out: He read the instructions
on the super glue first: “do not let this get on your skin”. Ah, those darn
instructions-too late! YouTube, Google, furiously scrubbing his fingers with
the pumice stone…. If you have ever had even a drop of superglue on you, then
you sympathize, because short of removing some skin, it really does the gluing
in a super manner-pun intended. The tube instructions did mention something
about keeping the affected surface in hot water. So more scrubbing, peeling, then dishes, ah,
what is a better way to keep your hand immersed than while washing dishes!
I won’t even mention the part where he wondered if this was
how it was all going to end, so he had put his phone on standby in case he
started convulsing or gasping for air or some other crazy superglue induced
malfunction. By the time I came home, it was a clean, calm house. Most of the
super glue removed and normal hand functions restored.
I was laughing
uncontrollably because the probable malfunctions being described to me could
only happen during an alien invasion or in an episode of ‘Criminal Minds’. He
survived and I think he learnt something about reading instructions
first-maybe. Nah, this happens to be one of those experience first things. I’m
glad we got it out of the way.
Have a super day!
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