Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Dress code

Today as I walked to into the office at my son’s school, there was a female student, say 6, 7th or 8th grade (can’t seem to tell nowadays) who was having a conversation with a teacher. While I was waiting to be helped, I gathered that she was in the office for lacking appropriate school gear. We have a uniform dress code part of which happens to be gray pants. I heard her say “these are just like skinny jeans..”. First I was thinking, no skinny jeans allowed… I couldn’t see her bottom as she was standing behind the desk. Then the teacher replied “These are probably appropriate for when you are at home or grocery shopping but not for school, you are wearing leggings .”
I could tell they had been having this conversation for a couple minutes. As I got the assistance I need, she moved around so I was able to see her supposed pants or lack thereof.  To her credit, they were gray in color, but how in the world did this woman girl get out of the house wearing leggings and a sweatshirt on her merry way to school? The worst part is she had the nerve to argue with a teacher about the appropriateness of her outfit. These are the kind of tights you wear under a dress or outfit but to her these were THE outfit! Glad to see that they called her parents.
Not that my .02 cents counts for anything but good Lord, our sense of decency long went down the drain and now pre-teens think it’s ok to spend a day in school in nothing but tights, what’s next come as you are in pajamas…wait we already have pajama day which still puzzles me. I mean how are we supposed to wear those same pajamas to bed after collecting germs at school all day? But I digress.  How do schools without a uniform dress code deal with this everyday? As I was pondering the school’s dilemma in enforcing dress code and the student’s reaction, I didn’t have to look too far other than our office setting. Yep, guessed it right someone has worn leggings to work as pants! I have no words to address this odd behavior. When did colored skinny jeans become acceptable business casual? Imitating google, apple or is it Facebook? Except we don’t make cool innovative stuff, play racquetball over break or other casual work place perks.  We can do better.

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