Thursday, July 22, 2010

this super convenient life

You know you are in the US when in an elevator, only 2 of you, going to the fifth floor and the other passenger comments.."I don't know why they don't have air conditioning in these elevators, it's too dang hot!"
Let's dissect that conversation...
1. We are only in the elevator for half a dang minute.
2. You could literally take the stairs to the fifth floor.
3. It's not even past 90 degrees, we are talking 80's.
4. There is only 2 people in the whole elevator, try taking a crowded elevator midday on a hot day.
5. Really, that is your issue?
6. Fan yourself for the half a minute.
7. These elevators are so dang efficient, it's not even half a minute, something like 20 seconds.

Yes, this microwave life we live!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

God can do anything

I've been doing this thing where I pull a bible verse and have my son memorize it for the week. It was going to be one per week but it became too easy. Initially, I was going to set up a prize box but it never happened so when lil man recited the two verses, I offered that he could pick dinner that night. This is huge since he is so darn picky and for the most nights he doesn't approve of my healthy options.

Of course I was prepared that it was going to be something unhealthy. So he sheepishly announced that he wanted the Jewel honey wings.They are fried yes and definitely the best wings you can buy so I wasn't too sad.
We hopped on over to Jewel, got our pound of wings and we had to drive somewhere else before we got home. Fried wings in a car at 6pm..even if you were not hungry you have to dig in so as I was driving my lil man was busy munching away at the wings.
So after attacking a couple of wings, he stated as a matter-of-fact.."You know what they can't finish wings all by yourself!"
LOL. So I'm always using some quote or the other on my lil man so it's good he's getting the gist of it but lol, I think he is confused on whom 'they' are.

I asked him who 'they' are and he just repeated his quote, and then thought about it some and blurted.."But only God can finish wings by himself, because he is God, he can gobble all of them up!"

At least we know that the lesson "God can do anything" is well understood, I can live with that.