Monday, August 27, 2012

The word..grow up!

God has really been blessing and speaking into my life in the midst of all the craziness. I'm so grateful for all the trials he has brought my way so that I can grow into the person he wants me to be. Yesterday's sermon notes on "A mature mind":

Mature mind
A mature mind means to be fully developed in spiritual character and emotion.
God will make it clear where there is error in your ways and spiritual thinking.
Philippians 3
Take away :When I can't forget, I can't focus.
Christians need two core practices:
Forget and Focus

God doesn't remember our sin after we ask for forgiveness. To forget is to lack concern for-enables healing. Must forget the hurtful, immoral, distressful, and boastful things.
Mature mind rejects the temptation to be obsessed with pain. Let it go. Be willing to let someone else's sin under the blood of Christ. If we refuse to forgive we become defined by our past. Root of bitterness defiles- like pickle glass always spills into whatever comes in touch with, no matter how good. Accept the lords dealing, he says ‘vengeance is mine’.
Mature mind stops allowing the devil to diminish the power of the blood. If you are living in sin, bring under the blood, bring it to light. He forgives completely- let go of shame and guilt.
Mature mind resists the control of the traumatic. Past events.
Boastful (Victories that make us boastful)
Mature mind rejects allowing our resume to be our downfall. The only one we should cheer for is Jesus. Must deny yourself and follow Christ.

1.      Sober mind 1 Pet 4:7-life is not all about enjoying. Used to think like a you are grown. All things are permissible, not everything is beneficial. 1 Pet 4:7- “The end of all things is near. Therefore be alert and of sober mind so that you may pray.
2.      Set mind -Mature Christian, it's not about you, there is an upward call. God gets to choose. Col 3:1- “Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.”

When you can’t forget, you can’t focus, let it go and focus on what God has for you.

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