Friday, January 5, 2007

I saw Dream Girls

I haven't been to the movies in years...ok maybe not but I just don't find any movie worth $10 these days. But seeing that this is my b-day week, I decided to splurge(lol) on Dream Girls last night. It was an ok movie, I enjoyed J. Hudson's singing ....I didn't dig the story line and obviously I haven't seen a musical in a while or I've outgrown them but why oh why burst into song when all you need to say is "I'm angry, I'm leaving..I don't even know why Effie was insisting on staying with a jamaa who obviously didn't want her, asking him to love her???The best part overall about the movie was that it was free...the AMC messed up the sound quality of the movie halfway thru and even though we watched all of it, we got our money back!!So the weekend is looking a bit dry and I have all the time in the world since my babyBoy is staying with his dad. The only plot I have is to clean up my place..arrghh. I'm glad its Friday though coz this was one of the busiest weeks I've had in a long time and I feel like I deserve to spoil myself. I guess this is good, it will help me catch up on much needed anticipation of the best show on TV ...24 !

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