Tuesday, January 30, 2007

the Christian label...

I just came from mediation..child custody that is. I try not to blog about this whole mess but journal it instead but something came up that almost made me loose my cool. The man can put on a show, I have to give it to him, oh how I wish that this divorce was amicable because I’m sooo tired of dealing with this crap! Anyway back on track….
Everyone needs to learn the benefit of letting go. So somewhere in the middle of a conversation he managed to throw the line that it’s ironic we’re getting divorced since we are both Christians…WTF!!! There is a few ways I could dissect that line but WTF is a fitting description. See, this is one of the biggest reasons why Christianity is screwed up, because people think they can hide behind labels and get away with anything. I used to be one of them, somewhat. I was into anyone who said they were Christian. I thought that meant that we had a lot in common, that we most likely could align our values, get along…sooo wrong. The fact that anyone says they are a Christian now means absolutely nothing to me. The fact that they go to church 3 times a week means even less. I remember my brother trying to explain that people are either bad or good regardless of whether they are Christians or not. Now don’t get me wrong, I believe in change and miracles but I gotta keep it real. If I had had more time I might have entertained this conversation in the futile effort to try and induce some sense into the man. After all the sh!t he has the decency to utter those words? See I have met those hardcore Christians. The bible says God hates divorce in one verse, but hmmm..how is it that people can ignore the rest of 65 books about love, taking care of each other, being humble, not selfish, faithful. I mean seriously who do people think they are fooling?? You cannot really be fooling yourself; or I guess you can, for a lil while at least, but in the end it will all come apart.
The hypocrisy in the church is sickening. I do go to church and love my church very much, but I have just come to learn, we are all human beings, no one supernatural in there. Maybe I’ve become a skeptic but we’ve got to move beyond face value and dig deeper when it comes to understanding the Christian faith or any faith for that matter and anyone who claims to be an ally. I could go on and on about Pat Robertson, Joel Osteen and the like. I think a lot of Christians recreate the Bible and rules to suit themselves and their agenda. Most times its people following blindly and then they are shocked that they have been misled. Be the guardian of your soul and your faith. In the end, it will just be me and God and he’s the only one I will answer to.

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